“There is one mind common to all individual men. Every man is an inlet to the same and to all of the same. He that is once admitted to the right of reason is made a freeman of the whole estate. What Plato has thought, he may think; what a saint has felt, he may feel; what at any time has be-fallen any man, he can understand. Who hath access to this universal mind is a party to all that is or can be done, for this is the only and sovereign agent.” [1]

I find it rare that the outerscape connects with my own innerscape of what, how and where to. This multimodal buggy ski that made me smile is for me, an Emerson moment. A connect.

But perhaps this connect (generic) today is getting much more concrete than Plato himself could have ever conceived, as shown in Michael A. Persinger’s research on cognitive neuroscience:

Michael A. Persinger on Human Brains, Shared Geomagnetic Field, Quantitative Solutions & Implications, Future Adaptations:

“Most of the biological time the human species is continuously exposed to the more or less “steady-state” or static component of the earth’s surface magnetic field. This simultaneous immersion of about 6 to 7 billion human brains, that are effectively very similar semiconducting microstructures within this magnetic field, may be sufficient to produce a secondary field that may have biological implications for survival and adaptation. This secondary field could display emergent properties with qualitatively different characteristics. In previous approaches [8] metaphoric references to the secondary field generated by exposing large numbers of conductors (such as functionally adjacent copper wires) to an applied magnetic field have been employed to describe this condition. Within the present paper quantitative solutions for this model are offered that may be relevant to testing the validity of this approach. If the solutions are even partially applicable, the implications for the mechanisms by which our species could adapt would require a re-evaluation of our most fundamental assumptions of evolutionary and ecological principles.” (p. 8-9)

“This predicted order of magnitude associated with this hypothetical transcerebral magnetic field induced between 6 and 7 billion human brains on earth is similar to the magnetic field strength associated with cerebral processes within the individual human brain [19]. When the magnitude of the whole field equals or approaches the magnitude of the individual unit (n), that is ∑n=n, the conditions for a hologram emerge [20]. Metaphorically this allows for the information of the whole field to be represented within a unit and the information within the unit to be represented within the whole field [21].” (p.9) [2]

“I think that critical thing to understand is that this phenomena like any other phenomena, some people have more of it than others, it is normally distributed. Another feature is you can learn it. And the other critical factor is that everything that we’ve ever done is civilization we borrow from nature.” [3, 51:24-51:39]

Mutlimodality, is perhaps a keyword to the future of human physiology and cognitive skills.

[1] Emerson, R. W. (1841). Essays: Elektronisk resurs. Boston: J. Munroe and Co. Internet resource at https://archive.org/details/emersonralessays00emerrich, retrieved 21 Feb. 2016.
[2] Persinger, M. A. (2013). Billions of human brains immersed within a shared geomagnetic field: Quantitative solutions and implications for future adaptations. The Open Biology Journal, 6(1): 8-13. doi:10.2174/1874196701306010008
[3] Persinger, M. (2011), on a future scenario with human brains and cognitive science. Internet resource at https://youtu.be/9l6VPpDublg?list=PLC8741A834FAA91E0. Retrieved 21 Feb. 2+16.

Music credit in Danny Strasser’s video: Bill Stankay, ‘Mara’ / ‘See No Ghosts’.

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